Malian Association for Deportees
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Home > Press Releases > News > Project Avenir Brillant: : Vocational training activities continue in Bamako (…)
Project Avenir Brillant: : Vocational training activities continue in Bamako and Kayes in horticulture, agro-ecology, fashion, and crafts, with joint funding from the Italian Ministry of the Interior, ActionAid International (Italy), and PLAN International (Italy)

On November 15, 2021 the official launch for the start of the training activities of the “Avenir Brillant” project took place at the Missabougou vocational training center.
The project, "Avenir Brillant: creation of socio-economic opportunities and strengthening child protection for potential migrants, in transit and returning to Mali", co-funded by the Italian Ministry of the Interior, ActionAid Italy and Plan International Italy has been put into place by a consortium of national and international organizations and associations. It aims to contribute to reducing the tragedies of irregular migration, through vocational training and support for young people in the sectors of horticulture, agro-ecology, crafts and renewable energies in the region of Kayes and the District of Bamako.

After the launch activities, the start-up activities focused on forming break-out groups according to the training selected, with a total of 25 learners per training.

Trainings included market gardening, seed production, soil restoration, agro-food processing, and hairdressing.

The following training modules are being carried out, according to the sectors:
1- Hairdressing
 Health and safety in hairdressing
 Body hygiene
 Maintenance of electrical equipment
2- Tailoring
3- Market gardening
 Communication and awareness in the workplace
 Maintenance of agricultural equipment
 Primary soil preparation
4- Seed production
 Communication and awareness in the workplace
 Maintenance of agricultural equipment
 Primary soil preparation
5- Soil restoration
 Communication and awareness in the workplace
 Maintenance of agricultural equipment
 Primary soil preparation
6- Mechatronics
 Awareness of the profession and training
 Health and safety
 Communication in the workplace
7- Food processing
 Awareness of the profession and training
 Health and Safety
 Communication in the workplace

Wednesday 15 June 2022

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