Malian Association for Deportees
supporting migrants and deported people.

Home > Press Releases > Declaration and Call to Action following the Sinking of a Migrant Ship off (…)
Declaration and Call to Action following the Sinking of a Migrant Ship off the Libyan Coast

After Ceuta and Melilla and other dramas of emigration such as Lampedusa, Mali has just suffered a heavy loss when a boat of immigrants seeking a better life in Europe sunk off the coast of Libya on July 28, 2014. Most of the Malians on board came from the Kayes region (a region of emigration par excellence), and many were from the villages in the northern circle of Bafoulabé (Selinkegny, Madalaya, Kania, Djungo), some of Mali’s poorest areas.

Following this tragic event, the Malian Association for Deportees (AME), along with Migration and Development in the Region of Kayes (EMDK) and the Malian Association of Human Rights (AMDH), salute the memory of these victims and send their deepest condolences to all the people of Mali, and in particular the families of the deceased.

Given the social benefits of human mobility and migration (including socio-economic dynamism, skills transfer, and innovations in development), we strongly condemn and regret this tragic event that is the direct result of restrictive mechanisms meant to reduce human mobility. We call on the governments of transit countries and migration stakeholders to assure the respect the human rights of migrants and provide assistance to people in danger.

We call on the Malian authorities to develop a national migration policy by including the following essential priorities:
§ Guidance, protection, and assistance of all Malians abroad and would-be migrants
§ Establishment of training and preparation for candidates for migration;
§ Equal distribution of regional development so that people are not forced to migrate;
§ The better use of human mobility and its players

Bamako, August 6, 2014 For the AME, Ousmane Diarra, President

Kayes made August 6, 2014 For EMDK, Bandiougou Diawara, President of the Regional Council of Kayes

Monday 25 August 2014

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